By Sisley Killam RHN

How do you start your morning? Maybe it’s with a big glass of lemon water, or maybe it’s hitting the snooze button eight times. I am going to share with you my 10 favourite easy morning routine ideas that will promote a healthy, happy and positive flow throughout your day – and they won’t take more than a few minutes.


  1. Wake up slowly: Set your alarm to something soothing and enjoyable to listen to, give your partner a kiss, stretch out your body. Whatever it takes for you to take a few moments to chill after a good night’s rest – do that.

  2. Drink your water: So you know you’re supposed to drink a big glass of water in the morning, but do you actually do it? Drinking water upon rising (literally right after you get up) will help to wake up the body, specifically the digestive system, and will break the fast you’ve just had while sleeping. I recommend a big glass (about 500ml) of filtered water. Tip: try adding the juice of 1/2 of a lemon or lime to promote even better digestion and encourage detoxification in the body.

  3. Ginger tea: Not an alternative to your morning water, but something that is equally important. I don’t get around to this every morning, but I especially love a good warm ginger tea on a cloudy or rainy day. Slice up one inch of ginger and add to a small pot of boiling water. Boil for a few minutes then drink up! Optional add-ins: lemon, raw honey, lemongrass or mint.

  4. Show some love: When you head into the bathroom, look yourself in the mirror and repeat a mantra of your choice. I love simple mantras like “I love you”, physically smiling, “today is going to be awesome”, etc. Fake it till you make it, am I right? Mantras have shown me an incredible self-love practice and are so much more powerful than we think. Positive thoughts people, positive thoughts.

  5. Meditation: Something that I personally have been working on and loving. A simple five, 10, 20-minute meditation is the best way to connect with yourself for the day ahead. This is also a great time to reflect on your personal health and/or business goals for the future.

  6. Go for a walk: I love walking our little Pomeranian in the mornings to start the day off outdoors! I grab my smoothie or tea and walk for 20 minutes. It’s so nice listening to the city wake up, people running or walking their dogs, early morning soccer practice and kids walking to school. It’s a great way to feel connected to your neighbourhood.

  7. Move your body: There’s nothing like starting your day with an early morning spin or yoga class. It feels so great to have your workout done before the workday so that you can relax in the evening. It also creates a really nice flow for your day, regulating your adrenals and stress levels, allowing you to have a wicked sleep at night.

  8. Reading: Another personal favourite, diving into a good book to start your day. I personally love healing/inspirational/spiritual books before bed and first thing in the morning. Some of my favourites include “How to Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay and “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra.

  9. Natural beauty routine: For me, this means exfoliating my face with a gentle bamboo brush and all-natural cleanser, spraying my body with a homemade essential oil lavender spritz and maybe doing a coconut oil pull or brushing out my hair. I love this time in my morning routine to feel refreshed and awake for the day.

  10. Nourishing breakfast: Last but definitely not least. To me, this is the most important thing on this list. Take 20 minutes out of your morning to make yourself a nice breakfast and take the time to sit down and eat it. I recommend a big green smoothie, a bowl of granola with almond milk and berries, a bowl of melon, or rye toast with almond butter – whatever makes you feel good and ready to take on the day.