Well Told with Julia Summerhill, Operations Coordinator at Well Told Health

Julia Summerhill was employee number 1 at Well Told Health, and she is now an extremely valued and valuable full time member of the team. She has been the operations coordinator for over three and half years and has been juggling both work-life and mom-life full time, while also pursuing a second honours bachelor’s degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. In addition to juggling work, parenting and schooling, she loves to work out, eat out and enjoy Toronto’s restaurant scene in her free time.

For a limited time, discover Julia's Summer Self-Care picks for up to 50% off!

As the seasons change, so do the ways we practice self-care. Are there any summer wellness practices you feel have a big impact on your wellbeing?

Being Canadian has made me obsessed with getting outside when the weather is warm and sunny. The weather deeply affects my emotional and mental well-being, so I make sure to get outside as much as possible. Whether it be walking my dog, or moving my office to my back patio, it has been crucial for me to get outside and absorb all the sunshine I can!


As we’ve come to understand, self-care can mean so many different things, what does the concept mean to you personally?

Self-care to me means investing in my health, beauty and mental/physical well-being. When I say “investing”, I mean that I really prioritize health and wellness into my financial budget and make sure to set aside the time to focus on my health. As a busy mom, you really can only be a great parent when you are happy and healthy yourself, so taking the time to go to the gym, eat well and have a healthy routine is incredibly important.


As our lives have changed pretty significantly over the past couple of years, has your idea of what self-care means to you changed?

As an operations coordinator, the last couple of years have been incredibly challenging to overcome and it has definitely taught me that I need to really prioritize my health in order to be successful in overcoming these challenges. I have become much more aware of how my body and mind are feeling and I make sure to take the time to rest, relax, eat well and exercise in order to keep my strength and deal with stress better on a day-to-day basis.


Between operations coordinator, student, mom, and partner, you wear a lot of hats every day. What has helped you to balance all your roles and still make time for yourself/you time?

My daily and weekly routines are incredibly important to maintain all of the hats I wear. Setting aside the time to go do a boxing or hot yoga class has really helped me manage stress, but more importantly, my social time is key. Social time with friends and going out in the city are also super important to me, especially in the Summer! I love going to patios, finding new bars and restaurants and most of all, hearing live music.


What has been one wellness practice that’s has had a significant impact on your overall health?

It’s a simple thing, but one of the toughest things to get in the habit of – exercising! As someone who has had past diagnoses of hyper tension and high blood pressure, and many other stress-related health issues, I have found exercise to be so key to my overall well-being. I grew up playing hockey my whole life, so being physically active has been key to keeping me well. Now, I join a boxercise class or yoga class 2-3 times a week, which has helped me greatly in my daily life. In addition to this, I make sure to take my vitamins every morning and night, and get a solid night sleep. 


What's been keeping you well these days?

I have really made a point to take social media and email breaks on the weekends. Like many people working from home, this can be challenging to turn off our work emails and get away from staring at screens. As such, I have made a point to turn off my computer and email on the weekend in order to help me recharge for the next week. I also have discovered that cooking fresh meals can be quite relaxing too, and I enjoy discovering new recipes using fresh vegetables from our local farmer’s market. Of course, nothing beats having a good night sleep as well, so making sure to catch up on sleep after a big night out with friends has also really helped!